Pircing as of 1st February 2024.
Our pricing is per pen, if you have more than one dog or cat we can offer a discount as per below, but only if they are sharing.
The daily rate is charged from the day of entry up to an including the day of departure.
One dog - £15 per day
Two dogs sharing - £26 per day
Three dogs sharing - £33 per day
Four dogs sharing - £38 per day
Day stay - £12 per day
Please note we have a limited number of large pens available, which are suitable for more than 2 dogs.
One cat - £9 per day
Two cats sharing - £15 per day
Three cats sharing - £17 per day
Click here for more information about the Cattery.
All pricing includes VAT.
VAT number: GB197264763
Monday - Sunday
8.30am - 10.00am
4.30pm - 6.00pm
Tel: 01343 835719
Mob: 07795113352
Please note we spend most of the day looking after our guests so if you need to contact us urgently please use our mobile number.